I was a little weary of this because of some of the reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised. It it plastic, yes, but it seems like it is well made so far. It is a little fragile, so I wouldn't put it near uncontrollably curious hands. I love that there are so many options. You can use this as a lamp with the cover on, you can use it without the cover, you can use it spinning or staying still, etc. You can switch the colors of the stars. You can even switch the background from black to white.

There's so many possibilities and my daughter just loves it. I think the only thing I would change so far is I wish there was a separate on/off button. I also with the cover clicked or locked on somehow. Oh, and more pink. Ha! My daughter loves pink. There wasn't a real pink option for the stars. She loves the look of the lamp itself though. I'm not sure how it will hold up if my toddler decides to go rogue, but let's just hope that doesn't happen.

*I received this at a discount in exchange for my honest review. I'm in no way obligated to leave a positive review.